Testimony: friends, you have asked me, and some of you might still wonder how my husband and I ended up becoming Christ followers. Now, I feel like I have a privilege to share with you some good news because I used to have the same questions, and I was like you, I did not know who Jesus was .
After 6 years of learning about one another, we both decided to get married at the end of 2012. We were in the same university. After 2 years of our married life, my husband was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome , and high blood pressure. My husband’s health deteriorated so serious that he became a dialysis patient.
This was a heart-broken news and it was horrific for me and the whole family. Questions with no-answers kept asking me , in my life , I had never done any evil things, why such bad things happened to my couple life, and why my husband and I had to bear this heavy burden? Why fear, and why having to spend so much money on something that we had not expected at all.
His condition tormented off and on, and he had to be visit a hospital so often that he did not have time to be home. Sometimes, his blood pressure’s level rose up so high that none of the pills prescribed worked, and it went on over a month or something. I never forget one night on December 28th 2014, I was talking to one my close friends about my husband’s syndromes when he became very sick, and he almost passed away, the oxygen’s level dropped from 100 to 40, and his blood pressure went very high, leading to coughing with blood. Immediately, he was sent to an emergency room for several hours.
Standing outside of the room in panic, I felt spiritless, no soul because I had cried, running out of my tear drops, and I had no more drops to shed. My heart almost stopped working when seeing doctors coming out with their head down, making me feel that something hopeless, something sad about to take place, their head signaled to everyone that nothing they could do, and they left us with no words. I had no more tear drops, and my heart broke as I saw my relatives, my in laws started to feel disappointed and hopeless. Seeing this, I tried to hide my feeling because I did not want them to be more depressed.
I found a silent moment pondering myself over some good news I had heard about Jesus whom my own sister had shared to me when my husband first got sick. At that time, I did not pay attention, I closed my ears, and ignored. I just believed that when someone is sick, it is common sense that he or she only needs a doctor, and one they are treated by a doctor, they need a lot of money to cover the cost and that is the only solution.
Though I was seeking helps from my sister, I did not want to trade my religious mindset to her assistance. In other words, I did not feel comfortable to switch my old religion which I had upheld since birth. Kindly , my sister did not give any pressure, or asked me to give back back in return.
I remember what she said to me “Only Him, Jesus could my chain tormenting my life be removed , and that “I need to search for Jesus “. She reassured me that it was easy to , she said all I needed to do is to believe, and believe with all my heart. As soon as I thought about it, I heard a voice saying “daughter, I love you, your abandoned will be healed, and your fear will be gone”, as I was paying attention to the voice, my sister made a visit call from miles and miles away on the other side of the earth, her voice was so soft with some sobering sound, yet, she brought encouragement. She asked me to pray with her, and asked that I prayed to give my husband’s condition to Jesus’s hands. I listened to her prayers while dropping tear a lot. Back then, I did not know what prayers were. I was feeling that I no longer could see my husband, and even heard his goodbye words.
At first the doctors informed my family and all the relatives to be prepared to accept something heart-broken. A religious tape was given to play to comfort him , and we all were advised to remove the oxygen tube , and we were aware that once the tube was removed , his breath longer exist. We were told that it would be better to let him go because there is no hope, and more money would be spent in vain.
At the end of my prayers, I closed my eyes, and started to search for the name of Jesus even though I did not know who Jesus was, where He came from? How he looked like? All I did was to put my whole trust in Him, my faith in Him. Surely enough, only about two nights, He did answered my prayers. He restored my husband’s health, my husband was awake with progress miraculously.

We both accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior at the end of 2014. We believe that He paid for everyone’s sin. He took all our pain, all our disease, He took it all. I won’t turn back to my old faith of uncertainty, faith with fear, faith of unknown, and no-clarity. Therefore, we committed to follow Jesus, and we don’t regret. We have no shame to declare this good news to others. We really thanks God that allows me and my husband to be a living witness to others. I remember a song we always listened to and we both sill listen to it. It is called “In Christ alone” , which encourages me and my husband to continue to trust God in every circumstances.
Even though, my husband still has to go through dialysis three times per week, he still works as normal, and we still live our lives in peace, and joy because we put our whole trust in God. We trust in His provision even though our expense goes up in some months.
In Mathew 6:25-28 “
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.”
I am not ashamed to share the good news with everyone I know. Brothers and sister, seek God, especially those with no hope, no more chances in life, be humble, and search Him, you will find him. You will receive your salvation, and you will be forgiven from your sin because God love everybody, you only need to give your heart to Jesus.
In John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Thank You, Lord for letting us have this opportunity to witness , and be the blessing to others.