A new believer’s prayer is very powerful

TESTIMONY: “Miracles and Salvations broke out in a village during one of NLF’s evangelical crusades in Prey Veng Province, Southeastern Cambodia”
Last week, our evangelical mission teams conducted two night crusade in Prey Veng Province located in Southeastern Cambodia. Even though the weather was very cloudy with a chance of rain, the team had faith and prayed against the upcoming possibility of rain. Miraculously, it rained in other areas but not the place where the crusade took place. We really thank God for his protection. There were about 700 villagers who showed up at the crusade. One hundred of them gave their lives to Jesus! We witnessed many miracles and salvations and God revealed His power in this village in which superstitious rituals were common.
A young, sick, and frail woman with manifold sicknesses came to the crusade and received some prayers. She accepted the Lord that night and got healed.
After she was healed, she told us that she had been sick for half a year, had had cyst surgeries on her neck and her breasts. After the operations, she started to have a hard time eating, began experiencing cramps, difficulty moving around, was unable to squat, and could hardly swallow water.
She did not know Jesus before. Once she stood in the altar call praying area, she felt something different. She began to sweat with said she feel better like something was leaving her. One of our prayer team members reported seeing her facial expressions with sadness, hopelessness, and lifelessness. Because of her superstitious rituals, one can assume that demonic strongholds had been tormenting her life.
The next day, our team came to visit her house asking her about her experience in her new life. With a friendly welcoming heart, she smiled and told everything wholeheartedly. With joy and excitement, she gave glory to God for what God did in her life that evening. Now she can move, squat, eat, go to the bathroom, and drink fine.
After seeing this amazing thing that happened to his wife, her husband agreed to invite our team to come remove all the spiritual altars, and destroy many other ritual items in their house.
Mark 5:34 “He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”