A young girl’s life transformed

TESTIMONY: 33 people water-baptized this Sunday. We talked to one of them and asked her how she came to her new faith in the Lord, Jesus.
Obsessed with being perfect, 22 year-old, Noch had lived a lonely life, which was both meaningless and insecure. Stubborn, she preferred her own way, what rather than considering others and compromising her desires. Then she met a group of Christians who welcomed and accepted her, and invited her to go on a trip with them. The members genuinely cared for, and loved one another, which was not Noch experienced with Christians previously. These Christians were a truly harmonious group.
It was with great excitement that Noch experienced water-baptism along with many others. Now filled with joy, she began taking classes in English, attending church services, and making many Christian friends. Her life has undergone dramatic changes which have greatly influence her relationship with others.